
“I settled my student loan debt”

—Kathleen T.

Kathleen took out a student loan 50 years ago.  As a single mother, she struggled to repay it as a result of the added interest and collection fees.  She saw her wages garnished and social security offset. Determined to eliminate her student loan, EDCAP helped her settle her debt. Kate is debt free and will now get to keep her entire social security retirement payment.

Learn more about: Stop Garnishments and Offsets


“I have a strategy to repay my loans”

—Erika M.

Erika is a middle school Spanish teacher.  Her student debt has been increasing because she has been making minimum payments given her competing financial demands.  She wanted help exploring her options and understanding the teacher loan forgiveness programs.

Our EDCAP Financial Coach was to discuss teacher loan forgiveness and help her make a strategic repayment plan to tackle her student debt.

Learn more about: Repay My Loans
Edward D photo

“I am student debt free”

—Edward D.

As a single dad, Edward wanted to have a profession to provide a better future for his daughter. He took on a student loan but was never able to complete his degree. His student debt has been weighing on him for decades now.

EDCAP’s Financial Coach was able to help him apply for loan discharge due to his disability and track the three-year probation period. In December 2019, Edward was eligible to finally discharge his student loans  and be debt free!

Success Story photo

“I know I can manage my student debt.”

—Evelin G.

Evelin is an undergraduate student at St. Lawrence University. With a $60,000 per year attendance cost, she was concerned about how she was going to pay her student loan debt; particularly considering she intends to pursue a Masters degree.

EDCAP’s Financial Coach looked at her university award letter as well as her current and prospective loan debt.  They presented the various repayment plan options and loan forgiveness programs that are available to her in the Federal Student Loan system.  By overlaying these options with budgeting techniques, Evelin now has several scenarios she can consider in the future to help repay her student loans.

Learn more about: Repay My Loans